Hello [[contact.first_name]],
Incredibly and rather unexpectedly, we've arrived at July and time seems to be running away. Just like a vehicle scene in an Indiana Jones movie, it feels chaotic, beyond our control even, but you know, you'll probably be OK in the end!
Summer is is always an interesting time to be a photographer. Spots you used to have to yourself are suddenly taken over by the masses. One way to avoid this is adjusting the timings of your visits, early mornings in particular can be really good for quieter moments. Walking further distances or trying alternative, less popular paths can also be rewarding.
Alternatively, you could even make the eruption of people at a once secluded spot the subject of a new Summer project. Whatever you turn your lens to this Summer I hope you find endless hours of inspiration, aided by the tips and ideas below.
Thanks so much for your continued interest and support.
best wishes
Rich Bunce Walking Photographer